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SDA / Faq

Frequently asked questions:

What modes of learning do we offer?

a) Evenings – From Monday till Thursday from 6 pm to 9 pm. Classes are held every week excluding public holidays.

b) Weekends – Saturdays and Sundays from 9 am to 4 pm. There is at least one free weekend each month.

Do we organize courses in the daily mode?

We organize this type of course only as a dedicated program (ordered by a company or institution). We don’t typically offer this mode due to the fact that most of our students are employed and busy during working hours. Moreover, our instructors are also full-time employees in IT companies.

How can I sign up for the course?

You can sign up for the course through our website and the dedicated application form available there. If you prefer direct contact, feel free to visit one of our Information Meetings or call our Customer Advisors. In any case, you will get an informational package from us that will provide you with all of the necessary information about the course that you’re interested in.

How to formalize my participation in the course?

First of all, you need to make a reservation for the course. This means that we need the contract details necessary to prepare an agreement (every interested customer receives them from Customer Advisor). You can send the details via email or share them over the phone. In the next step, the Customer Advisor will prepare the contract and send it to you via the SignNow app. This tool allows both parties to sign the contract electronically. Once you sign it, the contract is concluded on the SDA side.

Are there any discounts?

Yes, we offer discounts during the Informational Meetings or Webinars. We also run promotions where we shares offers of the day that aren’t available normally. We can introduce seasonal discounts.

Can I pay with the installments?

Yes, it is possible but only with our Financial Partners. Sometimes we make an exception and agree on internal installments, but only in extraordinary situations. This is why our Partners offer very competitive financial support.

How can I choose the bank loan?

We cooperate with several banks that offer special loans for our customers with the possibility to pay up to 36 months. Our Customer Advisors assist you throughout the entire process – from gathering the necessary data to activating the loan. The funds are sent directly to SDA, but the installments are settled to the bank.

I’m a newbie. I’ve never tried programming. Can I still take this course?

Yes, the course covers programming from scratch. Everyone has a different definition of the basic, so we we send recommended online courses to those interested to help them check if programming is the right choice. If it seems attractive to you and you want to learn more, our course is a great choice. Many candidates are afraid that the course is very difficult. This is true, but it doesn’t mean that it’s not for you. If you want to become a programmer, you need to study hard, be motivated, and practice. You can do this – more than 6000 students managed to do it before you!

How can I prepare myself for the course?

Before signing up, each student receives the recommended pre-work material from us. This is a free material that will make you sure if programming is for you. We recommend going through it to prepare yourself for the first day of the classes with your mentor. This will make the process much easier.

Which programming language should I choose?

There is no good answer to this question. It all depends on the personal motivations and expectations of the candidate. We can say for sure that Java is the most popular language in the IT world, no matter in what country you live in. It’s used in both large enterprise systems and mobile applications. Python is a better pick for those who would like to work in a less corporate environment, it’s especially popular among startups in Western Europe and Silicon Valley. Software tester is the easiest step towards the IT sector since it doesn’t require any knowledge, just following the rules. Test automation is the bridge between testing and programming, it’s often as well paid as software development positions.

Do I need to speak English fluently to take the course?

No, you don’t. In the IT environment, English skills are important because almost all of the technical documentation is in English. You need to be able to read and write in English. Of course, if you speak it fluently, starting a job in an international company will be easier for you. IT companies invest a lot in the professional development of their employees and often offer free English lessons.

Who are your instructors?

Our instructors are active programmers. This means that they’re up to date with the newest approaches and technologies. Before they start teaching, they need to go through a two-step verification process when we check their soft skills and technical knowledge. They all have at least 3 years of experience, so they know how to explain real IT problems easily.

Are classes practical?

We promote a very practical approach right from the beginning. This means that each of our courses consist of practical classes by 80% – and include only 20% of theory. If you want to become a programmer, you need to know how to code – and we teach.

How do we help with finding a job?

First of all, it’s important to highlight that students should start looking for a job from the very first day of the course. It may seem unbelievable, but this increases the chances of getting hired because they’re showing motivation. Here’s a description of additional activities we offer to help students find a job:

HR Class

Online training held by our Career Advisor or external consultant.
The main goal of this training is to prepare the student for the interview in the IT branch. We share tips and tricks on how to prepare a great CV and portfolio. The Advisor also explains how to present yourself during the interview, what you should emphasize, and how to should sell yourself to convince the company that you’re the right candidate.

IT Interview

A simulated technical interview with one of our instructors who acts as a representative of the company recruiting for their team. During this session, you will not only face the challenge of technical questions but aso get valuable feedback.

What makes you different from your competitors?

First of all, we are the largest academy in CEE what gives us a huge scope of experience, knowledge, and market insights. We gather feedback from all of the countries where we operate to create programs that prepare students to start their jobs in all of Europe. Additionally, we cooperate with over 200 IT companies across Europe – starting from small local startups to big corporations like IBM, Tieto, Nordea, Sapiens, Ericsson, BAE Systems, or Boeing. This makes us unique – employers trust us!

Do you provide any materials for the students during the course?

Yes, our students get access to all of the presentations and exercises which are shown by the instructor during the classes. We also grant them access to the GitLab – a tool that gathers all the code (a popular tool used in IT teams).

What will happen if I miss the classes?

We don’t recommend missing a class. All of them are live sessions with the instructor. This means that one missed class is very difficult to recap. Of course, you will get access to all materials, exercises, and tasks – but you will have to work on them on your own. If you let know earlier Project Coordinator that you need an extra consultation before the next class, we will try to organize a short meeting with the instructor to answer all your questions. In general, we allow to have a maximum of 20% of missed classes, but we don’t recommend it. You don’t get a refund for missing classes.

Does everyone receive a certificate after completing the course?

Every student who attended at least 80% of classes and passed all of the tests with at least 80% of correct answers will get a certificate of course completion. Students who participated at least 60% but did not pass the test and did not prepare a practical project will not receive a certificate but only a confirmation of the course completion. Students who withdraw from the contract don’t receive any documents.

Can I “test” the product/class?

We can’t let you join an existing course for a day because of the comfort and privacy of our customers. But we often organize Demo Workshops – free lessons with our best instructors during which you can see what it’s all about and what you learn during the classes. You can also check how our instructors teach and decide if that works for you. Our Country Managers always know about these events beforehand.

How can I resign from the course?

You need to send us your withdrawal from the agreement in writing or via email to the following address: [email protected]. You can use the form attached to the agreement.

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