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SDA / Blog

Will artificial intelligence replace programmers?

In recent years, programming has shaped the world in a constantly evolving direction. The field of programming is changing dramatically with the emergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI), which is making programmers increasingly concerned that their roles could be replaced by intelligent machines. In what follows, we explore the future of programming and the impact AI […]

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How did we conquer Helsinki?

We have been on the market for several years and during this time we have built a community that includes Albania, Czech Republic, Estonia, Poland, Romania, Slovakia. We have established our foothold in Estonia for almost 5 years, and the next logical step was the conquest of Finland. Purpose Said, and done! At the Software […]

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What is UX/UI design?

In this article, we will talk about user interface and user experience design, what it entails, and see who the people who design UI and UX are. Who is a UX/UI Designer? UI and UX are usually talked about as if they are the same thing, but these concepts are very different. UI (user interface) […]

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