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SDA / Courses / Front-end

Front-end web development – the technology that keeps websites running

Front-end is the part of the software that users see and use or the visual part of the web. A front-end developer makes the design work – be it text fields, buttons, a menu bar, etc.

Take part in our course, learn to become a front-end developer, and create pages that can be used quickly and comfortably.

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What you will learn in our front-end web development course

Click on the numbers and find out:

Basics of HTML and CSS

Basics of HTML and CSS

What are HTML and CSS and what can you use them for?

You will find out the answer in this module. We will introduce you to the most popular HTML tags, show you what attributes are, and take care of selectors and cascading styles. You will learn the basics of CSS and practice it during classes with the instructor. Without this knowledge, you won’t be able to create your first website or other documents intended for viewing in a browser.

Programming in JavaScript

Did you know that the JavaScript language has been ranking as the most popular programming language ​​among developers for many years?

This comprehensive module will introduce you to the world of JavaScript. What is JavaScript all about? What can it be used for? Prepare for lots of knowledge presented in a practical way!

Front-end vs. back-end

What is the difference between front-end and back-end?

This module will introduce you to a discussion about which operations that impact the operation of websites belong to the frontend and backend. We will show you a list of the most important tasks that must be performed to create a website.


Content Management Systems (CMS) are ready-made software that allows you to efficiently create a new website (online store, blog, company website).

We will show you that you don’t always need to build a website from scratch but use ready-made systems that make it possible to develop a website even in a few days.

Developer work tools

This module is dedicated to issues such as design patterns and best practices – a set of universal, proven-in-practice solutions to a frequently appearing and repeatable problem.

You will also explore software testing (each programmer must check if their code works properly), as well as development tools that you can use in everyday work. Don’t skip this module!

JavaScript frameworks

What is a framework?

A framework for building an application defines the overall mechanism of its operation. Thanks to frameworks, the developer’s work is much faster and more effective because it’s based on ready-made components, supplemented with elements the project requires. In our course, you will learn about the most popular JavaScript framework used in the developer’s daily work.

Final project

Now it’s time to use all the knowledge you have acquired during the course. You will design and implement a more complex application – alone or in a team. You will use Angular, JavaScript, and you will test your application.

Finally, you will present a working application and discuss what you have managed to do and ideas for further development. We will also schedule time for code review during the classes.


Every student who will attend lectures for at least 80% and will pass all tests with at least 80% correct answers will receive a certificate of completion of the course. Students who attended at least 60%, but did not pass the test or prepare a practical project, do not receive a certificate, only a confirmation.

Basics of HTML and CSS

What are HTML and CSS and what can you use them for?

You will find out the answer in this module. We will introduce you to the most popular HTML tags, show you what attributes are, and take care of selectors and cascading styles. You will learn the basics of CSS and practice it during classes with the instructor. Without this knowledge, you won’t be able to create your first website or other documents intended for viewing in a browser.

Programming in JavaScript

Did you know that the JavaScript language has been ranking as the most popular programming language ​​among developers for many years?

This comprehensive module will introduce you to the world of JavaScript. What is JavaScript all about? What can it be used for? Prepare for lots of knowledge presented in a practical way!

Front-end vs. back-end

What is the difference between front-end and back-end?

This module will introduce you to a discussion about which operations that impact the operation of websites belong to the frontend and backend. We will show you a list of the most important tasks that must be performed to create a website.


Content Management Systems (CMS) are ready-made software that allows you to efficiently create a new website (online store, blog, company website).

We will show you that you don’t always need to build a website from scratch but use ready-made systems that make it possible to develop a website even in a few days.

Developer work tools

This module is dedicated to issues such as design patterns and best practices – a set of universal, proven-in-practice solutions to a frequently appearing and repeatable problem.

You will also explore software testing (each programmer must check if their code works properly), as well as development tools that you can use in everyday work. Don’t skip this module!

JavaScript frameworks

What is a framework?

A framework for building an application defines the overall mechanism of its operation. Thanks to frameworks, the developer’s work is much faster and more effective because it’s based on ready-made components, supplemented with elements the project requires. In our course, you will learn about the most popular JavaScript framework used in the developer’s daily work.

Final project

Now it’s time to use all the knowledge you have acquired during the course. You will design and implement a more complex application – alone or in a team. You will use Angular, JavaScript, and you will test your application.

Finally, you will present a working application and discuss what you have managed to do and ideas for further development. We will also schedule time for code review during the classes.


Every student who will attend lectures for at least 80% and will pass all tests with at least 80% correct answers will receive a certificate of completion of the course. Students who attended at least 60%, but did not pass the test or prepare a practical project, do not receive a certificate, only a confirmation.

What the course looks like

When coming to the course, you do not need to have any prior knowledge or previous experience in the IT field. We’ll start with the basics and teach you everything from scratch. We make sure that our distance learning courses focus on what matters most: live classes and study sessions with our professional instructors.

Theory equals practice

Our goal is that the course you complete will prepare you in the best possible way for what actually awaits you in your new job. Practical projects contribute to your progress. This is a good opportunity to hone your skills and add to your portfolio!


We all have everyday responsibilities – work, family or school. We have taken this into account and our courses take place: during the week in the evenings or on weekends.


Akademia SDA OÜ has successfully passed the threshold-based quality assessment of the Estonian Higher and Vocational Education Quality Agency.

Comprehensive support from us:

Career counseling

Standing out from the other candidates is the basis of success. Therefore, our qualified career counselor will fully prepare you for this. You will learn how to effectively look for a job in the IT field and how to make an unforgettable impression at a job interview.

Job interview practice

We help you prepare for a job interview. With the help of our instructor, you will learn how to speak and behave stress-free during a job interview. After just a few practice attempts, you will feel calm and your self-confidence will increase.

Materials related to the industry

You can get a customized workbook from us that contains all the information about the IT world. We’ll keep in touch and share content with you specifically designed for our students and graduates.

Creating an effective CV

CV is your first business card. Our career consultant will help you create an effective and clear CV that will make the best impression on your future employer. We’ll also guide you through the process of creating a LinkedIn profile and show you what additional activities will help you land your first IT job.

Feedback from our graduates

“I can say that the instructors gave us a lot of support. Every time there was a job offer for a junior employee, they let us know.”

Bianca Todoran Data Analyst, The Smart Cube

“I was looking for opportunities for a career change and came across the SDA courses. I started with zero knowledge in IT, but with the help, guidance and encouragement of SDA coaches, I successfully completed the course. I acquired the ISTQB certificate and found my first job as a software tester.”

Marijaana Siimson Software Tester

“The course syllabus is very comprehensive and not only in Java. This is a good place to start learning. The course helped me create a knowledge base that I can supplement according to the requirements of the work or project at hand.”

Adina Dumitrescu Software Developer, Kalypso

“If I had to pick the biggest value I got from the course, it would be that human value and technical value go hand in hand in the IT industry. And SDA has managed to surpass itself in both.”

Levente Szilveszter Software Developer, Uniqa Raiffeisen Software Service

“All in all, I definitely recommend trying this SDA course if you’re planning to enter the world of programming.”

Pavel Pšečuk Breakwater Technology tehnilise toe insener

Check out our packages


2199 EUR 2099 EUR

Get a solid foundation for launching your career on the IT market. This package includes the course workbook, live sessions, and video training.

  • Yes Töövihik
  • Yes Kursus
  • Yes Asjakohane õppimine
  • Yes Videosessioonid – avardame sinu kompetentse
  • Yes Juhendid, õpetused, artiklid, videod
  • Yes Tech Stack
  • Yes Tulevikukindel õpe
  • Yes Kõikehõlmavad pehmed oskused
  • Yes Kogemustega mentorlus
  • Yes Reaalse tööelu projektid
  • Yes “Live” kodeerimine
  • Yes Tehisintellekti abil õppimine
  • Yes Inglise keel IT valdkonnas
  • Yes Vahe-eesmärgid ja vahe-eesmärkide testid
  • Yes SDA tunnistus
  • Yes Kursuse läbimise tunnistus
  • Yes Lõpuprojekti kaitsmine ja tagasiside koolitajalt

IT-Career PRO

3599 EUR 3099 EUR

In addition to the standard elements of the IT Knowledge and IT Career packages, the Employment Guarantee includes much more to help you get into the IT industry as soon as possible after completing the course!

  • Yes Töövihik
  • Yes Kursus
  • Yes Asjakohane õppimine
  • Yes Videosessioonid – avardame sinu kompetentse
  • Yes Juhendid, õpetused, artiklid, videod
  • Yes Tech Stack
  • Yes Tulevikukindel õpe
  • Yes Kõikehõlmavad pehmed oskused
  • Yes Kogemustega mentorlus
  • Yes Reaalse tööelu projektid
  • Yes “Live” kodeerimine
  • Yes Tehisintellekti abil õppimine
  • Yes Inglise keel IT valdkonnas
  • Yes Vahe-eesmärgid ja vahe-eesmärkide testid
  • Yes SDA tunnistus
  • Yes Kursuse läbimise tunnistus
  • Yes Lõpuprojekti kaitsmine ja tagasiside koolitajalt
Töövihik Kursus Asjakohane õppimine Videosessioonid – avardame sinu kompetentse Juhendid, õpetused, artiklid, videod Tech Stack Tulevikukindel õpe Kõikehõlmavad pehmed oskused Kogemustega mentorlus Reaalse tööelu projektid “Live” kodeerimine Tehisintellekti abil õppimine Inglise keel IT valdkonnas Vahe-eesmärgid ja vahe-eesmärkide testid SDA tunnistus Kursuse läbimise tunnistus Lõpuprojekti kaitsmine ja tagasiside koolitajalt

Payment options

Tuition fees must be paid by the start date. If payment is by instalments, payment will be made according to the agreed schedule. Unemployment Insurance Fund (Töötukassa) will pay for Unemployment Training Card holders. Tuition fee refunds and arrangements for withdrawal are agreed in the training contract.

For more information, please contact our customer adviser!

Total cost: from $57/month

Inbank hire purchase

Inbank hire purchase is a flexible payment solution which gives you the ability to pay
for the services in instalments. Inbank hire purchase allows you to split a large one-
time expense into small monthly payments. Spread the purchase sum over up to 6
years. The first payment is due only a month later.

● Flexible solution for large expenses
● You choose the instalment amount
● You choose the instalment payment period
● You choose the payment date
● Response to an application within a minute

Pay with Inbank

Financing terms:
● Financing amount 100 – 10 000 €
● Period 3 – 72 months
● Interest rate 9.99%
● Down payment 0 €
● Contract fee 19.99 €
● Administration fee 0.99 € per month

Applying for a hire purchase is easy!

The interest rate of the Inbank hire purchase is 29,31% per year under the following example conditions: purchase amount 800€, contract period 9 months, interest rate 9.99% from the purchase amount, down payment 0 €, administration fee 0.99 € per month, contract fee 19.99 €, monthly installment 98.85 €, total credit cost 889.70 €. The financial service is provided by AS
Inbank Finance. Before signing the contract, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the terms and conditions of the financial service, consult with a specialist

Pay with ESTO3

ESTO 3 makseviis on innovatiivne lahendus, mis võimaldab ostu kinnitada ja tasuda mugavalt ning kiirelt – kolmes võrdses osas, ilma lisatasudeta!

Anna klienditeenindajale või müügispetsialistile teada, et soovid oma ostu eest tasuda ülimalt populaarse ESTO 3 makseviisiga,  3-s võrdses osas, ilma lisakuludeta.

ESTO 3 aitab jagada ostusumma kuni 3-ks võrdseks osaks:

  • Ühtegi lisatasu ei lisandu.
  • Lihtsalt kolm võrdses osas makset, kolme kuu jooksul.
  • Esimene makse on alles järgmise kuu 15. kuupäeval.


ESTO 3 makseviisi pakub ja haldab ESTO AS.


ESTO on finantsteenuseid pakkuv ettevõte, mille algusaeg ulatub aastasse 2016. Bränd sai alguse vajadusest uue generatsiooni makselahenduste järele, mis oleksid sobilikud nii lõpptarbijale kui ka müüjale. Täna pakub ESTO kõige suuremat valikut erinevaid makselahendusi Baltikumis ning ESTO partnervõrgustikku kuulub üle 2600 koostööpartneri ja kaupluse ning üle 300 000 kliendi.

Tutvu tingimustega siin: www.esto.ee

Vajadusel kontakteeruge ESTO AS töötajaga – [email protected] või www.esto.ee LIVE chat-aknas.